【レンタル】Tiffany's Table Manners for Teenagers (English)
Here is the perfect little book for anyone—teenage or otherwise—who has ever wanted to master the art of good table manners. Written by Walter Hoving, former chairman of Tiffany's of New York, it is a step-by-step introduction to all the basics, from the moment the meal begins ("It is customary for the young man to help the young lady on his right to be seated") to the time it ends ("Remember that a dinner party is not a funeral, nor has your hostess invited you because she thinks you are in dire need of food. You're there to be entertaining"). In addition to the essentials about silverware, service, and sociability, it includes many of the fine points, too—the correct way to hold a fish fork, how to eat an artichoke properly, and, best of all, how to be a gracious dining companion.
Concise, witty, and illustrated with humour and style by Joe Eula, this classic guide to good table manners has delighted readers of all ages for more than 50 years.
カテゴリ: 本, 子ども向け, 小学校中学年向け, 小学校高学年向け, 中学生以上向け, 小説, 2022年8月入庫